Anti Carbon Tax Rally in full swing 23rd March 2011
What if we had Proportional Representation on August 21st?
There are many forms of PR: quotas, state by state,
allowing preferences etc.
Let us suppose that we just a simple national version for the 150
member House of Reps based on 1st preference votes only.
The quota to get any representation could be just the total
number of formal votes divided by 150 seats =
82,683 formal first preference votes.
The CDP makes it over the line, One Nation and
the Country Liberals do not make it.
Say we just ignore the votes that were wasted on the small
parties that did not make this quota. Thus 11,903,018
votes are not wasted and 499,365 votes are wasted.
Now let us divide up the 150 seats amongst the parties
that made it over the quota according to what
proportion of the 11,903,018 votes they got.
The seats in the new parliament [vs current] would be:
ALP 59 seats [actually now 72]
Greens 18 seats [1 seat]
Liberal 48 seats [44]
LNP(Qld) 14 seats [21]
Nationals(all states) 6 seats [7]
Family First 4 seats [0]
CDP 1 seat [0]
So we would also probably have an ALP-Green Coalition
government led by PM Gillard, but it would be
Greener, less Indy-ish and hold a slightly
more substantial majority.
Australian Labor Party | 22,029 votes | 27.00 % |
Liberal/National Coalition | 59,555 votes | 73.00% |
TUCKEY, Wilson | Liberal | 37,891 | 46.44 % |
CROOK, Tony | The Nationals | 43,693 | 53.56 % |
Current First-Preference Vote Count HOR (almost finished)
When Julia Gillard went to the Governor General this week she
took a list of names of MHRs who had promised to support her in parliament. Together they represented a collection of parties and independents which attracted a certain number of first-preference votes across the country. How many people voted with their first preference for one of those parties or independents, those that support the government?
Government supporters: ALP+Green+Wilkie+Oakeshott+Windsor
6,280,629 first preference votes (50.6% of all formal votes)
Supporters of Abbott: Lib+LNP+Nat+CLP+Katter
5,446,806 first preference votes (43.9% of all formal votes)
Margin: 833,823 votes to the current Government
How does that compare with the number of first-preference votes represented at previous elections?
2010: Gillard ALP supported by Green Party + Independents ... 50.6% of first-preference votes
2007: Rudd ALP ... 43.38% of first-preference votes
2004: Howard Liberal/National Coalition (incl CLP) ... 46.7% of first-preference votes
2001: Howard Liberal/National Coalition (incl CLP) ... 43.0% of first-preference votes
1998: Howard Liberal/National Coalition (incl CLP) ... 39.5% of first-preference votes
1996: Howard Liberal/National Coalition (incl CLP) ... 47.3% of first-preference votes
1993: Keating ALP ... 44.9%
1990: Hawke ALP ... 39.4%
1987: Hawke ALP 45.8%
1984: Hawke ALP 47.6%
1983: Hawke ALP 49.4%
1980: Fraser Coalition 46.4%
1977: Fraser Coalition 48.1%
1975: Fraser Coalition 53.1%
1974: Whitlam ALP 49.3%
1972: Whitlam ALP 49.6%
1969: Gorton Coalition 43.3%
1966: Holt Coalition 49.98%
1963: Menzies Coalition 46.0%
1961: Menzies Coalition 42.1%
1958: Menzies Coalition 46.6%
1955: Menzies Coalition 47.6% *
1954: Menzies Coalition 46.8% *
1951: Menzies Coalition 50.3% *
1949: Menzies Coalition 50.3%
1946: Chifley ALP 49.7%
1943: Curtin ALP 49.9% *
1941 October re-alignment: Curtin ALP supported by Independents 40.2%* plus ?
1941: Menzies UAP+CP supported by Independents 43.9%* plus ?
1937: Lyons UAP+CP 49.3% *
1934: Lyons UAP+CP 45.6% *
1931: Lyons UAP+CP 48.4% *
1929: Scullin ALP 48.8% *
1928: Bruce Nationalist/CP 49.6% *
1925: Bruce Nationalist/CP 53.2% *
1922: Bruce Nationalist/CP 47.8% *
1919: Hughes Nationalist 45.1% *
1917: Hughes Nationalist 54.2% *
1914: Fisher ALP 50.9% *
1913: Cook CLP 48.9%*
1910: Fisher ALP 49.97% *
1906: Deakin Protectionist+Labour 53.08%*
1903: Deakin Protectionist+Labour 60.7%*
1901: Barton Protectionist+Labour 52.5%*
*= some MHRs were elected unopposed in these elections and so
we do not include any votes for them
SO 2010 is the first time, in 35 years, that the Government has the first-preference support of more than half the population. It is only the tenth time in Australian Federal Government history that a Government commands support of a majority of first-preference votes. It is only the second time ever that an ALP Prime Minister has governed with a majority of first-preference votes behind him or her (the only other time was Andrew Fisher after the 1914 election).
Is it a healthy democracy when a Party wins the majority of the two party preferred, wins the majority of the primary vote and wins more seats in the Parliament than the other Party but the other Party forms government?
Again, Alan, it’s disappointing when all these things are true but it is our system.Latest on the National TPP count
I think that is about 96% of the expected number of final formal votes counted.
My latest estimates for the final result are:
Total number of formal votes in the 142 normal seats: 11,825,318
ALP to get 5,914,739 of them, that’s 50.02%.
LNP to get 5,910,579 of them, that’s 49.98%.
margin 4160 to ALP.
Then the eight special seats.
ALP to win Batman TPP by a margin of 40,281. (76%)
ALP to win Melbourne by 42,069. (74%) [counting underway]
ALP to win Grayndler by 36,626. (72%)
ALP won Denison by 20,525. (ALP 66%) [counting finished]
LNP to win Kennedy by 21,248. (ALP 37%)
LNP won Lyne by 21,163. (ALP 38%) [counting finished]
LNP to win O’Connor by 36,258. (ALP 28%)[counting underway]
LNP to win New England by 34,642. (ALP 31%)
Final total margin:
ALP by 30,350
Out of about 12,500,000 votes that’s a final
result of:
ALP 50.12% – LNP 49.88%